Ready to submit your story?
Complete the form below before 19 September 2023.
Stories will reviewed and three will be selected to be turned into a short video, selected stories will also win a $50 Westfield voucher.
From flare-ups to newfound strength.
The story might share a challenge you’ve faced. Or triumph you’ve celebrated. It can be comical or serious.
We are looking for moments that define your unique experience living with eczema.
To inspire you to get thinking of a story to share, we have provided an example below.
Complete the form below before 19 September 2023.
Stories will reviewed and three will be selected to be turned into a short video, selected stories will also win a $50 Westfield voucher.
Submission Terms
Eczema Support Australia are creating an educational video resources designed to support teenagers with eczema. We are collecting personal stories from Australian teenagers between the ages of 13-18 who have lived with eczema and would like to share their story to help others through what can be a difficult time. Three PG-rated stories will be chosen and turned into one-minute narrated films by Little Drum Pictures. Successful writers will be credited in the short films as writers. By submitting your story, you agree for us to share your entry with Little Drum Media who will contact you to talk to you further about your experience.
Use our Eczema Care Online Toolkit to find out the best way to care for your eczema or your child's eczema.
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