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Subscribe Now28 Mar 2023
AEST, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Eczema management and self care is a crucial part of our everyday lives. Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we find it all a bit overwhelming. Talking through this with each other can give each of us the motivation tools and encouragement to take care of our own eczema.
Join us as we chat about our eczema care routines, tips and tricks. We will hear from each other as well as our itchY Ambassador, Dr Ranindu Abegunawardene, MBBS MPH GDipClinEd CertPracDermoscopy.
Use our Eczema Care Online Toolkit to find out the best way to care for your eczema or your child's eczema.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive email updates about our work, get connected and support Australians impacted by eczema. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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